The Peekskill Story по-английски

"The Weavers", H. Fast & P. Seeger The Peekskill Story по-английски - Upholstery Cleaning Peekskill Award Winning carpets & rugs cleaning Peekskill Call now 914-777-7334 Say that you saw this video clip and get BIG Coupon for carpets & rugs cleaning in Peekskill !
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Дата: 2015-08-29
Длина: 06:23
Рейтинг: 0
Просмотрено: 841

Полный список музыки "The Weavers", H. Fast & P. Seeger

Текст оды целиком и бесплатно:

Let me tell you the story of a line that was held
And many men and women whose courage we know well
As they held the line at Peekskill on that lone September day
We will hold the line forever 'til the people have their way.

Hold the line, hold the line,
As we held the line at Peekskill we will hold it everywhere.
Hold the line, hold the line
We will hold the line forever 'til there's freedom everywhere.

When the music was all over, we started to go home.
We did not know the trouble and the pain that was to come.
We got into our buses and drove out through the gate
And saw the gangster police, their faces filled with hate.

And without any warning, the rocks began to come
The cops and troopers laughed to see the damage that was done.
They ran us through the gauntlet, to their everlasting shame.
And the cowards there attacked us. their nation knew their shame.

All across the nation we are telling you this tale
You can marvel at the concert and know we have not failed.
We shed our blood at Peckskill and suffered many a pain
But we beat back the fascists and we'll beat them back again

Hold the line, hold the line.
We will hold the line forever 'til there's freedom everywhere


Upholstery Cleaning Peekskill

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