04_ One slip

Pink Floyd [A momentary lapse of reason - 1987] 04_ One slip - Existence - A Time Lapse Project Phaeleh - Should Be True Подписывайте на нас
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Directed: Michael Shainblum
Filmed Edited: Michael Shainblum
Track: Phaeleh - Should Be True
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Pink Floyd [A momentary lapse of reason - 1987] - 04_ One slip

Дата: 2015-11-22
Длина: 05:10
Рейтинг: 0
Просмотрено: 651

Полный список музыки Pink Floyd [A momentary lapse of reason - 1987]

Текст оды целиком и бесплатно:

A restless eye across a weary room
A glazed look and I was on the road to ruin
The music played and played as we whirled without end
No hint, no word her honour to defend

I will, I will she sighed to my request
And then she tossed her mane while my resolve was put to the test
Then drowned in desire, our souls on fire
I led the way to the funeral pyre
And without a thought of the consequence
I gave in to my decadence

One slip, and down the hole we fall
It seems to take no time at all
A momentary lapse of reason
That binds a life for life
A small regret, you won't forget,
There'll be no sleep in here tonight

Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?
Or was it the hand of fate, that seemed to fit just like a glove?
The moment slipped by and soon the seeds were sown
The year grew late and neither one wanted to remain alone

One slip, and down the hole we fall
It seems to take no time at all
A momentary lapse of reason
That binds a life to a life
The one regret, you will never forget,
There'll be no sleep in here tonight
One slip ... one slip

Existence - A Time Lapse Project (Phaeleh - Should Be True)

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