I'm Ready

I'm Ready - Twin Shadow - I'm Ready Песня с выходящего в марте альбома "Eclipse".

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 - I'm Ready

Дата: 2016-09-01
Длина: 03:46
Рейтинг: 0
Просмотрено: 809

Полный список музыки

Текст оды целиком и бесплатно:

You're feeling good, you're feeling right.
Across the floor and I'm already losing my mind.
Baby girl, looking fine, watch you playing and playing and playing these guys.
Catch my stare, little smile.
Tell me when you're ready and you're feeling the vibe.
Someday I'll be so damn sublime,
We'll arrive behind a hash-tag sign.

I won't forget you, but I may forget your name...

My lady I know what you're thinking when the bass starts ringing,
Can you tell me when you're stoked to start?
Are you ready for tonight, set this shit on fire,
And we'll dance until we're dumb in the dark.

Break me down, dirty jokes.
Watch me dear and say what you want to know.
Beauty lies within the eyes of the beholder,
I'll be holding you close all night.

I won't forget you, but I may forget your name...

My lady I know what you're thinking when the bass starts ringing,
Can you tell me when you're stoked to start?
Are you ready for tonight, set this shit on fire,
And we'll dance until we're dumb in the dark.

Break me down, I'm ready, break me down.
Break me down, I'm ready, break me down.
Break me down, I'm ready, break me down.
Break me down, I'm ready, break me down.

I won't forget you, but I may forget your name

Twin Shadow - I'm Ready

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