Ықылас сүресі

Doktor Muhammad Al-jundi Ықылас сүресі - Munir Muhammad 2 Warning about L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics and Scientology On the Sun. Sept. 19, 2010 edition of the CROE TV program "The Time", Munir Muhammad cautioned Nation of Islam members about the Dianetics and Scientology study program that Louis Farrakhan is obliging his ministers to undergo. Louis Farrakhan made this announcement on Sun. Aug. 22, 2010 in a sermon entitled "Put on the New Man":

In addition to warning about L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics, and Scientology, Munir Muhammad plays an excerpt of a YouTube video by Tory Christman, who tells Nation of Islam members that Scientology's present leader, David Miscavige, is only interested in money, having more members, and the connections of the new members to powerful people. Here is a link to Tory Christman's video:

Munir Muhammad also interviews Shahid Muslim and Halif Muhammad, who say they don't want the general public to think that the real Nation of Islam is associated with the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard.

"The Time" Sept. 19, 2010

26:00 - 58:00

Audio recordings of L. Ron Hubbard:

Documentary about L. Ron Hubbard:
The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard: Part 1

The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard: Part 2

Biography of L.Ron Hubbard:

Scientology and Human Trafficking? You decide.

Ex-Scientologists Speak Out

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Doktor Muhammad Al-jundi - Ықылас сүресі

Дата: 2017-01-24
Длина: 02:39
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Просмотрено: 1055

Полный список музыки Doktor Muhammad Al-jundi

Текст оды целиком и бесплатно:

1. Куль hуа Аллаху ахад
2. Аллаhус-самад.
3. Лям ялид уа лям юляд,
4. уа лям якул-ляhу куффyуан ахад.

Во имя Аллаха Милостивого, Милосердного
1. Скажи "Он - Аллах - един,
2. Аллах, вечный
3. не родил и не был рожден,
4. и не был Ему равным ни один"

Munir Muhammad (1/2) Warning about L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics and Scientology

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